
Glipho is an interesting concept "Meet Social Blogging" and they keep their word by building a blogging community were social is key.The first sign of the social angle is sign up which is available through Facebook, Twitter, Google and LinkedIn.Like Sett they are looking to refer visitors through the site with related content displayed from all blogs not just yours.Glipho has a neat drag and drop post editor with your media readily at


Perfect for every writer, the Desk has been designed to simplify creating and publishing your content. Create and manage your drafts, tune out all distractions in the Focus Mode, and easily drag & drop images and videos from Instagram, Picasa, Flickr, and Youtube. The Desk makes everything about your blogging process simple, slick, and fun. Hand something I think the big platforms will embrace fully in the near future.

Be discovered

Social blogging is all about the bloggers.
Find yourself trending when your content is popular or be seen on the pages for the topics you write about.
People will be able to follow you from anywhere!

Everything is connected

At the bottom of each Gliph you will find the Glipho Bar. Find related content from writers all over the world, see what's trending, read more pieces from the same writer or simply check if there are new posts in your curated feed.

Import it

Contents are so important so, on Glipho you can import your posts from Blogger, Wordpress and Tumblr. You will still be able to use your original blog but your content will be seen by a whole new audience. Don't worry, we take care of the SEO for you.

So that seven interesting alternatives for bloggers what do you think ? Have you tried any of them or will you in the future ? Or have you stumble across a new blog platform I left out.

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  1. Glipho: Social blogging for bloggers is pretty cool

