Xclusive Tech made the first page of Google (the biggest search engine)
in the first three month of it’s availability online and has consistently being
on Google’s first page every other month for it’s main keyword (Xclusive
Tech). With a present SEO Score 60 out of 100 (March 2013), we are glad
that our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) works on an highly searched keyword “Xclusive
Tech”. What this simply means is that, whenever people search for Xclusive
Tech on Google, they would see Xclusive Tech listed among the first 10 results. This is helping us a
great deal. You can do a a search now to confirm that
You may ask “How will that help me?” If you advertise on Xclusive Tech , you will surely get more of your products/services sold or more leads to your blog/site. This is due to the traffic we get getting steadily from major search engines and anywhere else on the internet. You now have the opportunity to advertise on Xclusive Tech. It is a choice you have to make as soon as possible because many people wants to buy a piece of us.
Please note: The money you will spend on advertising on Xclusive Tech will be REINVESTED to help us keep improving the blog, keep it running and growing, and importantly to keep YOU happy! This is a one-time opportunity for you to drive direct, targeted traffic to your pages AND support us all at the same time! (Win-Win)
Traffic Source
This blog has four major traffic
sources. These are 69.54% Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL, Ask etc);
23.23% Direct traffic (people typing our URL directly in their browsers); 2.85
Social Search (Facebook, Twitter, Liknedin, Pinterest, Google+ etc) and other
4.37% Referring sites (Backlinks, Blog listing, blog mentions, etc). These
gives us at least 78.67% New Visitors every month. Which means new visitors can
see your adverts fresh every month.
You would be glad to know that our major visitors and readers are from;
1. Mobile (Phones & Tablets) 43.33%
2. Nigeria 32.99%
3. UnitedKingdom 7.17%
4. United States 6.41%
5. India 1.72%
6. Ghana 0.52%
7. Belgium 0.26%
8. Canada 0.34%
and 118 other countries. This is a
good place for you to place your advert immediately. You will not only get
exposure in Africa but also from Americas, Asia, Europe and the Oceania
Also, we get visits from the following cities
1. Mobile
(Phones & Tablets) 63.54%
2. Lagos 13.16%
3. Abuja 4.35%
4. London 2.09%
5. PortHarcourt 1.07%
6. Enugu 0.56%
7. Accra 0.37%
8. NewDelhi 0.29%
9. Ibadan 0.52%
10. Kampala 0.72%
2. Lagos 13.16%
3. Abuja 4.35%
4. London 2.09%
5. PortHarcourt 1.07%
6. Enugu 0.56%
7. Accra 0.37%
8. NewDelhi 0.29%
9. Ibadan 0.52%
10. Kampala 0.72%
and 845 other cities across the
How much does it cost to place an Advert?
Advert Location or Type
Advert Size or Type
Advert Price
Advert Duration
Blog Header (Beside/Under Site
N 15, 000 ($100)
30 Days
On Sidebar (Above fold)
N 12, 000 ($80)
30 Days
On Sidebar (Little bit lower)
N 8, 000 ($55)
30 Days
On Sidebar (In between)
N 5, 000 ($35)
30 Days
Within posts (After post Title)
N 15, 000 ($100)
30 Days
Blog Header (Before Posts Title)
N 10, 000 ($70)
30 Days
Sponsored Links (On Sidebar)
Text Ads
N 5, 000 ($35)
30 Days
After Individual Blog Posts
N 7, 000 ($45)
30 Days
Word(s) in all Blog Posts Linking
to your product/service
Text Link
N 3, 000 per word ($20)
30 Days
Product Reviews
Blog Posts
N 10, 000 ($70)
As long as the product lasts
Sponsored Status Update
on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin
N 1, 500 ($10)
As long as the status lasts
UPDATE: If you place your advert for 6 months consecutively, you get the seventh month free and we also do a blog post on your advert and re-publish it often.
To place your adverts on Xclusive Tech, please send your full name, mail address, phone number, home/office address, occupation (school & course if student) and the advert type you want to buy. Send these details to us using the CONTACT US BUTTON BESIDE THE SITE. Please note, your info is required so we can have a database of our clients. With that, you can have access to discounts on further adverts.
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